Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Recipe: Rana's Sausage Spread

This recipe is from my mother-in-law, Rana Ball. Rana lives in Deep East Texas (near the Arkansas border) and subscribes to a VERY Southern kind of cooking. There is nothing low-fat or high-maintenance about this recipe, but it's GOOD.

You'll Need: a pound of fresh ground sausage (try turkey)
2 jars of Old English cheese
2 sticks of butter
Salt, pepper, and a little Cajun seasoning (if you want to kick it up)
English muffins

To Do: Cook the sausage and drain. Add the butter, cheese and spices to the pan and cook on medium until everything is melted and mixed together. Spread mixture onto English muffins. Cook the muffins on 400 degrees for ten minutes, or until muffins are warm and crispy. You can also freeze the uncooked muffins to cook later.
